Humans are visual creatures, and the science backs that up. 65% of people are visual learners, and we’re far more likely to remember text if it’s accompanied by images or video. For marketing purposes, this is crucial to understand. And it’s why you need a talented graphic designer on your team. Below, we’ll discuss the benefits of hiring a graphic designer.
Churning Out Infographics
We’ve already mentioned that we humans are visual learners, but we’ve yet to mention how important this fact is in our current moment. Sleekly designed text and image pairings known as infographics (you’ve definitely seen a few online by now) are wildly popular, and you can only make them with the help of a graphic designer. In the last five years, searches for infographics have increased by 25 times the typical amount. If you’ve got someone on your team pumping out infographics, you’ll get a lot more digital traffic to your business.
Establishing a Brand identity
A good graphic designer will be able to give all of the advertising and products your company creates a particular “look,” creating a brand identity for your business. If your company is in its infancy, creating a unique identity is vital for its success. A graphic designer knows how to use color, typefaces, imagery, and shapes to create a particular mood for your company. Would Target be as successful without its trademark bullseye imagery? Would McDonald’s be a household name without its signature arches? All of this couldn’t have been possible without a graphic designer. We’re not being hyperbolic when we say that your branding is just as important as your product or service itself.
Good Design Make You Look Professional
Have you ever been on a website or get a business card that lacked any sort of panache? We sure have. What was your impression of that business or that person? Chances are it wasn’t a very good one. When it comes to being a consumer, we’re very superficial people. We like sleek design, flashy colors, and compelling images. If your website or physical promotional materials are looking bare, that’s a problem. Hiring a graphic designer corrects these problems. They can make your business look professional and doing so will lead to more sales conversions.
Opening You Up to New Markets
Have you noticed that large businesses change their aesthetic slightly based on the market they’re in? The branding for McDonald’s in Hong Kong looks a lot different than a McDonald’s in Alabama. You have to appeal to consumers on an aesthetic level they feel familiar with. With the help of a graphic designer, you can alter the branding of your business to similarly open yourself up to new markets and demographics.
Do You Need Help Hiring a Graphic Designer?
Now that you know how important hiring a graphic designer is for your business, all you need to do is find the right person for the job. To that end, consider contacting us. We’ve got the graphic design expertise you need to succeed.